Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Best Friend Nursing Pillow by Alok Kumar

Many women are not aware of the fact that how important is it to breast feed their new born. There are so many things around the same that some particular sect of women would not like to breast feed their kids. They would be either worried about their figure or they would not have the time or they would just not believe in the concept of breast feeding their child and hence, they would deprive their infant from the most important thing - breast feeding.

There could be apprehensions that these ladies should engage in the activity of breast feeding but then they should research and educate themselves about the same. The my best friend nursing pillow range and many other of the same kind is enough to make these women understand how important breast feeding is for their new born.

The breast milk has so many nutritional components that help the infant fight infections and illness. There most common infections that your new born could be prone to would be diarrhea; haemophilus influenza; NEC; otitis media; herpes simplex; respiratory Syncytical virus and other respiratory infections. Can you just let your infant fall prey to all these infections as you feel that the lactation process would hurt you in some way?

The infant may become the victim of lack of immunologic development; wheezing; SIDS; general morbidity; aids; infant survival concerns; gastroesophageal reflex; multiple sclerosis; inguinal hernia and cryptorchidism. The list is not enough you should also count the allergies in as well. It is just ridiculous that one can let the infant go through so much just because of certain selfish reason which is keeping her from taking care of the baby the way she should have been. You can't expect these women to know about the My Best Friend nursing pillows range available which can help lactation, as they are ignorant about the need and importance of breast feeding to start with.

On the other side of the game, there are some women who would consider breast feeding their infants and at the same time would quite be cautious picking my best friend nursing pillow form the range available but then still, their infant would not get the benefit that the baby should have from the mother feeding him. The reason is the number of myths that are around the breast feeding concept. Know one knows all about breast feeding, the do's and don't about the same, the right position and postures and like but there would be every one out there suggesting you every thing and every thing making your baby a Ginny pig. This would not only pose a problem for your baby's health but at the same time could make the lactation period uncomfortable.

You could be fancy by using a nursing pillow to show the world that you care about your baby or you can actually educate yourself so that you are no a victim of the myths that cloud around the breast feeding. The same would help your infant flourish to the best of his potential and would make you a proud mother as well.

For more information, check out my best friend nursing pillow and for my breast friend nursing pillow check out my breast friend nursing pillow.

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