Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Baby Nursing Pillow Review by Sherrin Holder

Czech nursing students.Image via Wikipedia
Many breastfeeding mothers consider a baby nursing pillow to be an indispensable tool. A baby nursing pillow is used to help support and position the baby while nursing. There are a variety of styles for baby pillows and each has its own advantages and special features. Following is a list of some of the most popular styles along with the options available for each one.


The Boppy is perhaps one of the most widely used baby nursing pillows. They are crescent shaped and designed to fit around the mother's waist, but do not go all the way around to the back. The Boppy is available in different color and pattern choices, and you can purchase removable covers. The newer models feature an expandable panel so that it will fit most people.

My Brest Friend - No it's not a typo

My Brest Friend baby nursing pillow has a contoured design that wraps completely around your waist. It is filled with foam and is designed to encourage a proper position to allow your baby to latch on to your breast. This baby pillow comes with pockets attached to store essential items.

Natural Boost Adjustable Baby Nursing Pillow

This baby pillow is more of a lap pillow, as it does not curve around your waist. It has an adjustable piece that flips back and forth so that you can angle your baby's head to fit either side when you are nursing.

Utterly Yours Breast Pillow

This baby nursing pillow supports your breast instead of the baby. It is a wedge that puts your breast at a better angle for the baby to feed. It is also small enough to throw in the diaper bag for easier breastfeeding on the go. This is particularly good for mothers with large breasts.

Twin Baby Nursing Pillow

Mothers who choose to nurse their twins have particular challenges. Therefore, it is usually better to choose a baby nursing pillow that is specifically designed for twins. These have wider sides for nursing two babies at once.

Choosing to invest in a baby nursing pillow is one of the best purchases a new mother can make. They can make breastfeeding easier and more comfortable for both mother and baby, and many can be used for other purposes. When shopping for a nursing pillow, in addition to making sure you find the one that is most comfortable for you and your baby, you want to make sure it will hold up through many washings.

For more information and to shop for a baby nursing pillow, visit Designer Bedding for Sale or click on this direct link Baby Nursing Pillow.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sherrin_Holder

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